08 Jan

Give your body the extra loving care that it deserves. Go for different kinds of treatments. Aromatherapy, TCM, and ‌IPL face treatment are a few options.

Aromatherapy Massage

By seeking ‌aromatherapy massage in Singapore, you can experience the Swedish kind of therapy. Plant oils with high concentration are found in essential oils. While being massaged, the molecules from these oils are inhaled. There is absorption on the skin. In the head, the limbic system encourages mind and body changes. Properties are varied for each kind of essential oil. To calm the body, there are chamomile, geranium, and lavender.

Rosemary oil energizes the person. For the purpose of uplifting the body, oils from ylang-ylang, rose, clary sage, and neroli are cool. In decongesting, the touch of eucalyptus, tea tree, and pine is desired. Conditions such as pain on the back, shoulder or neck are healed with aromatherapy. There are other body sicknesses that include anxiety, depression, menstrual pain, dementia, and insomnia. Menstrual cramps lighten with this massage.

The kind of treatment, quality of oil, and degree of being customized are different for each spa and massage clinic. Based on the health need, the therapist can blend more than one oil. Smelling the blend can be done first before putting on the skin. Besides the massage oil, essential oils can be added. Scents of the essential oils vary for the kind. A sheet covers the body with the face down. Before having aromatherapy massage in Singapore, make sure that the stomach is not full.

Knowing the past health condition is necessary for the massage therapist. Adverse reaction to the essential oil can happen. A carrier oil has to dilute the essential oil first. Being sensitive to scents is a signal that this kind of massage is not suitable. The same goes for pregnancy and breastfeeding. When body injury is present, it can affect the massage. Pain felt should be told to the therapist.

TCM Massage

Another kind of massage in Singapore is the TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine. Also known as Tui Na, it cures body disharmony. The flow of energy or general Qi is improved. Since this is complete, it is regarded as the first bodywork system. Hand stimulation is applied on 12 body parts. Biological energy levels are changed to cure concerns on the surface.

IPL Face Treatment

Achieving beautiful skin can be through the ‌IPL face treatment in Singapore. There is no need to fret about the appearance of certain skin conditions. Sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and rosacea are cured with the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) procedure. Rejuvenating gentle skin is realistic. Make skin that is blotchy and red become radiant and glowing! For 30 minutes, light in intense pulses goes through the skin.

Although swelling and redness may appear, these clear up after the treatment in a short while. Under the epidermis, blood vessels and collagen become constricted. Thus, lines for aging and redness vanish. Expect noticeable improvement in the skin weeks after the treatment. The appearance of wrinkles, big pores, and freckles is tempting for light waves to touch. In a short duration without downtime, this is a favorable choice.

These treatments make your body feel relaxed and beautiful. Know which one is right for your body.

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