17 Feb

After a long day of work, you’ve probably felt guilty drinking your Pierre Damoy because you thought it is unhealthy. Thus, you’ve listed down drinking french wine as your guilty pleasure. But do you know that it has benefits when you consume it moderately? Well, allow this article to show you the benefits of drinking french wine in Singapore that will surprise and relieve you! 

  1. Rich in Antioxidants

If your french wine is made from dark grapes, then there is a high probability that it contains antioxidants including resveratrol and epicatechin. Resveratrol increases the activity of a group of genes(Sirtuins) that prevents your body from ageing diseases.

  1. Improve Your Memory 

Surprisingly, drinking french wine can help improve short-term memory. Study shows that wines containing resveratrol will help your brain perform better during the formation of memories, learning, and retention of words. Better yet, grab a glass of french wine before playing chess with your friends!

  1. Promotes Clear Skin

Again, resveratrol can prevent the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Moreover, drinking french wine rich in antioxidants is better than using expensive cream, or moisturizer that has little to no effect. With this, don’t be guilty to buy wine online in Singapore now! 

  1. Improves Your Mood 

Drinking french wine can help you relax and prevent depression. Study shows that those who drank moderately (two to seven glasses a week) have a lower risk of depression. However, over-drinking is not advisable as it can disrupt your mood and increase the risk of depression. Moderation is the key!

  1. Bond With Friends And Family

Not only does french wine give you health benefits, but also it can help you bond over with friends or family. You can ask your friends to come over to your house and talk about life or anything you want with a glass of french wine! 

Are you convinced that drinking french wine is good for you? You can buy wine online in Aether Wines & Spirits in Singapore at their website https://www.aether-wines.com/



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