11 Oct

Did you recently sign up for yoga teacher training course? Feeling pumped and a little bit anxious about your upcoming classes? Don’t worry. That’s normal. By taking this course, yoga will no longer be a personal fitness regimen for you but a professional venture.

Being a yoga student or participant is definitely different from being an instructor. So, don’t expect your Yoga classes in Singapore to be similar to your previous yoga sessions. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of the experience.

1.    Don’t be intimidated by the level change.

Many yoga teachers-in-training worry that they’re current skills level are not enough for the course. They doubt their knowledge about the art, especially during their first few classes. And that’s okay. Just don’t let your anxiety get in the way of your learning.

Keep in mind that most yoga teachers-in-training start the course knowing only one or two practice type. Few are really in-the-know of the art form’s history, philosophy, and various practices. So, stop worrying. Focus on absorbing the teachings of your instructor. 

2.    Be a sponge.

You’ll meet a lot of new people with their own knowledge and perspective of the art in your classes. Be open to their viewpoints. Absorb everything—not just the teachings of your yoga teacher but also that of your fellow students’. Let them enrich your own understanding of this ancient art form.

3.    Ask or verify whenever necessary.

Given the intensive nature of yoga teacher training courses, there will be instances when you won’t be able to grasp a theory or practice. Don’t hesitate to ask your yoga instructor for help.

Pitch questions and ask for clarifications. If you think you’re doing something incorrectly, ask your teacher to assess your performance. Don’t worry; you’re not being a bother. Yoga leaders appreciate students who provide feedback on their sessions and express their concerns.

4.    Get rid of distractions.

Keep objects that’ll distract you from Yoga teacher training in Singapore. Hide your gadgets and deactivate your social media accounts if you have to. These things will only hold you back from your practice and prevent you from tapping into your full potential.

5.    Take care of your body.

Eat healthy meals and make sure you always get enough rest. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time focusing and remembering your classes.

6.    Embrace changes.

Your journey to becoming a yoga teacher will require you to deepen your self-knowledge and awareness. You’ll constantly find yourself facing unresolved internal issues and decoding your feeling and emotions. Don’t push these issues away. Deal with them as soon as possible and embrace the changes they’ll bring to your mental and spiritual state.

It will be uncomfortable, given that you’re re-examining and re-discovering aspects of your life that you’d rather keep buried. But the peace it’ll bring you, in the end, will definitely be worth it. Also, keep in mind that this is essential in the profession you’ve chosen to pursue. How can you help your future students raise their self-awareness if you’re not self-aware yourself?

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