16 Nov

When COVID-19 struck countries around the world, economies have really suffered a lot. One of the areas that took the worst lashings and fatalities are the small businesses. Your favourite boutique, your beloved Sentosa restaurant in Singapore and other leisure establishments have been put to a halt to manage the spread of the virus. 

A year after, with ramped-up vaccination, these establishments are slowly opening and serving the public. However, it does not mean that people have to be complacent when they stroll in malls or dine out in a beach bar in Singapore. After all, the COVID-19 pandemic is still going on. 

Here are the things you need to consider before dining out in Singapore:

Consider the ventilation of the restaurant.

Ventilation is a major player in the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The COVID-19 virus spreads through respiratory droplets. 

These droplets are emitted through uncovered sneezing and coughing. These particles drift through the air, allowing airborne transmission. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), airborne transmission is likely in a poorly ventilated enclosed space. 

When choosing a sea view restaurant in Singapore, make sure to select one that has adequately ventilated. 

As per CDC, an indoor-seating restaurant without social distancing and capacity reduction has a higher risk of airborne transmission than an outdoor-seating restaurant, like a beach bar in Singapore, with social distancing and capacity reduction. 

Consider shared condiments, dining ware, and high-traffic surfaces.

Customers share several items in the restaurants, such as tables and chairs, menus, dining ware like plates, cutlery, and glasses, and condiments. 

There is no exact survival duration for the COVID-19 virus on surfaces as there are several factors to consider, including temperature, type of the surface, and humidity. But one thing is for sure; a person can contract the virus from infected surfaces. 

Establishments follow health protocols upon opening. It includes disinfecting chairs and tables, sterilising shared dining ware, and thorough cleaning of bathrooms and other facilities in a seaside restaurant in Singapore. 

To guarantee your safety, you can clean your chair and furniture with antibacterial wet wipes, disinfect your hands with alcohol after using the menu, and ask for disposable utensils. 

Consider contactless transactions.

Money, bills and coins, are some of the dirtiest things in the world. Money circulates and is passed hand by hand, carrying with them tons of germs, including the COVID-19 virus. Establishments, including a Sentosa restaurant in Singapore, mitigate the spread of the virus through money by switching to cashless payment transactions. 

Many offer credit and debit card payment, online bank transfer, e-wallet payment, and other touchless options. 

Before booking a reservation at a seaside restaurant in Singapore, make sure to check if they accept cashless payment methods. 

Consider workplace prevention practices.

Upon opening, many of these establishments implement health protocols, such as social distancing, capacity reduction, hygiene and respiratory etiquette of the employees, and hygiene supplies of the beach bar in Singapore. 

The workplace prevention practices begin with the preparation of the meal and dining ware, cleanliness of the restaurant, proper attire of the employees, such as face masks, gloves, and others. 

They must also adhere to the health protocols implemented by the government, such as social distancing and limited capacity. They must also ensure that their employees are healthy and have not had any close contact with a COVID-19 positive patient before working in the restaurant. 

Consider personal prevention practices.

Customers have a shared responsibility in stopping the spread of the virus. One must practice personal virus prevention. 

When deciding to dine out at a sea view restaurant in Singapore, make sure to go out in small groups. It is to avoid crowding and exceeding restaurant capacity. It is better to book a reservation beforehand than walk in a restaurant. 

Wear a face mask correctly at all times, except when eating. Disinfect your hands frequently using alcohol or hand sanitiser. Disinfect furniture and shared items before using them. Avoid touching your face and cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. 

As much as possible, choose an outdoor seating or alfresco beach bar in Singapore. Avoid sharing food and drinks with others, and maintain social distancing at all times. It is better to stay at home and quarantine if you have been sick a few days prior. 


We are all excited to see our lifestyle gradually returning to normal. Your favourite go-to mall is finally opening, your beloved Sentosa restaurant in Singapore is now accepting customers, and cinemas are now previewing limited numbers of films. 

With several health protocols still in place, perhaps, we are not returning to normal but embracing and adjusting to the "new normal" where everyone should not be health complacent. At the end of the day, it is everyone's responsibility to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 


Embrace the new normal of dining out with Coastes. Coastes, following stringent health protocols, is now ready to serve you good food and an excellent view. Visit Coastes today.


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