17 Feb

Yoga has been known to benefit human's physical, mental and emotional health. However, despite these well-being wonders yoga has brought to us, there are still looming rumours that intimidate beginners from taking yoga classes in Singapore. This article will debunk these five yoga misconceptions for you.

1. Yoga is only for flexible people 

If you have been in yoga classes in Singapore, you might have seen people doing difficult body stretches and movement. There is a misconception that only flexible people can execute these postures. Yoga focuses more on breathing and mindful movement rather than perfect yoga pose. Flexibility, balance, strength and concentration develop through practice. So, don't be shy with your yoga course instructor, you'll get there.

2. Yoga is Stretching

Technically, you'll do a lot of stretching in yoga classes in Singapore. However, stretching or doing yoga poses is only a single part of yoga. Yoga is about connecting your breathing control to your movement. Your yoga course instructor may tell you the therapeutic benefits of yoga to your physical and mental health.

3. Yoga is for slim only

You don't have to be thin to do yoga. Men, women, thin, fat, old and young are welcome to yoga classes for beginners in Singapore. Anyone can do yoga, even pregnant women. This practice is not limited to body size or age.

4. Yoga is for women

Yoga is not limited to women. Although most people who enrol in yoga classes in Singapore are women, the number of men doing yoga is dramatically increasing. Some yoga instructor courses in Singapore have male members.

5. Yoga is a fitness exercise

Although exercise is a combination of physical capability and self-discipline, yoga goes beyond that. Yoga is a practice that involves philosophy, meditation, concentration, balance and self-acceptance. It goes more than the physical aspect but ventures on mind and self-consciousness as well.

If you are planning to take yoga classes, get it with Yoga Mandala. Transform your body and achieve life balance with Singapore's Yoga Mandala.



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